26. Oktober 2023
The Christopher Columbus Tour starts with perfect weather conditions at the beginning of October. The best period of the year for tours in Andalusia and Portugal. The group of 16 riders and 10 passengers from the United States, Canada, Switzerland and Costa Rica is looking forward ...
3. September 2023
Looking down at the Rhine valley after some beautiful curves.
12. August 2023
The adventure begins... With a group of 20 motorcycles we start today from Erding in our first riding adventure. We are a group of 20 riders and two passengers organized by the American Motorcycle Association (AMA). All from the United States. Our destination for today ...
3. Juli 2023
Rarely are history and driving pleasure so close together as here in France. In the next 10 days we will see castles, palaces, beaches and much from the recent past. The weather promises good things and everyone is looking forward to many great impressions.
29. April 2023
Acht neue Edelweiss Tourguides starten in die zweite Modultour 2023. Vor Ihnnen liegen acht spannende Tage in den traumhaften Berglandschaften Südtirols. Das einzige, was wir bis dahin alle wissen: Es wird keine normale Tour und es werden ungewöhnlich viele Zwischenfälle auftreten. Um sich mit den Abläufen einer ...