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First Tibet-Tour of 2011 is under way!

Montag, 16. Mai 2011 | Thomas Ritt | Asien

Tibet, Roof of the World, we are back once again. After meeting up yesterday in Chengdu, an average-size city of 8-10 million people in southwestern China, the group flew to Lhasa together today. Tibet's capital city is situated at an elevetion of 3,700 meters, where the air is thin, and not even our lucky scarfs could prevent that slight headache that haunted some of us during the evening.

After dinner we went for a little walk, past one of the most iconic buildings in the world: the Potala Palace. Words cannot describe our feelings as we stood in front of it, it really is THAT spectacular! Tomorrow we are going to have a look at the inside - if we can manage the steep climb... we'll keep you posted!

Upon arrival in Lhasa the group received their Lucky Scarfs

the world famous Potala Palace is a sight to behold.

the restaurant "Hotspace" really lives up to its name! Markus and Claudia are enjoying the Mongolian HotPot in front of the illuminated Potala Palace


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Tamar Beit on
Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011 um 18:25

Hello hello "Potala Motorcyclists" ,
You all look wonderful and very prepared to begin the real discovery of of this secretive country,Tibet.
Wishing you all a significant experience, both personally as well as a group of "strangers with a common inner drive".
'njoy, 'njoy, 'njoy
And in between, take a GOOD care of each other,
Tamar Beit On


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