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Western Sahara - we arrived!

Montag, 13. Dezember 2010 | Werner Wachter | Die Welttour

"Yes, the weather is getting much better. We had great blue sky the last week and rode down mostly the Atlantic Coast and experienced some extraordinary roads and fantastic views.

And then down here in Western Sahara we are now confronted with sand and straight roads. They go for straight for about 2 miles, then you have a long curve and then you continue again. Western Sahara is part of Morocco however in Western Sahara some of the people believe they should be independent.

We are experiencing everything down here in Daklar, where we have a rest day. Everyone is healthy, everyone is happy and we are looking forward to the rest of the first section."


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Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2010 um 09:51

Indeed. More pictures and more info.
In this age of email, we want MORE than terse 'telegram' information. Perhaps, next time I (or some travel journo) can come and for a discount on the trip price, we write some super tidbits worth chewing on. You might already have an embedded journo, but their is nothing quite like the blog for immediacy -- that's why they exist! A travel article published 12 months later, while fun to read, does not produce the same excitement as a day by day report. In fact, why don't you add a BLOG POST signup section, so we can be notified of every update without having to remember to check back to the website. Cheers, Aaronius
Donnerstag, 16. Dezember 2010 um 12:53

Hey, you've got to fire up those cameras 'cause we're living vicariously through you and want more, more, more pictures, please.


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