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A wonderful good morning from Brunnen at the Vierwaldstättersee
Along with us we have the brandnew Yamaha Niken !!
It may arguably be not the beauty among the motorcycles out there on the market, but it sure is fun to ride once you've got the hang of it. Experienced riders will definitely enjoy the bike.
The Furka Pass was not open but we went to Tiefenbach.
Awesome Street
Around Andermatt all the passes are still closed this month due to the large amounts of snow. The only way for us to continue our travels westwards was the 20 minute train ride through the Furka mountain.
Definitely a highlight by itself
Dear Daisy & James,
In the meantime we were cirlung around in the Bozen area as well as in the Dolomites. And we have plenty of sun now.
Hope to see you soon.