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Fahrakademie Alpen 6AA

6AA2006 - Let's get started on the racetrack

24. August 2020

Hi Bob, you probably know that I am not an overenthusiastic blogger but your comment on the last blog "A family event" is pretty motivating. One part of my job, and I really like that part, is to make people smile. Now as you are telling me that a ...

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6AA2005 - A family event

24. August 2020

The Alps Riding Accademy was founded to help motorcycle riders to improve their riding on challenging roas to get ready for the mountain passes all over the world and in the Edelweiss broschure. We had in mind guests from overseas and rather flat parts of the globe. To our positive ...

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Können Haarnadeln süchtig machen?

26. Juni 2017

Apparently yes. Why else Alfons, Bernhard, Ruedi and Nico would have come back to the "hairpin turns academy"?

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6AA Alps Riding Academy

14. Mai 2015

"An Alps Riding Academy? This sounds very interesting! What is this?..." Either these words or something along these lines is what people on tours keep asking me when talking about one of Edelweiss Bike Travel's latest "babies"... Since a couple of years Edelweiss ...

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