June 24, 2014
Greetings to everyone arriving for the Grand Alps Tour 2014 with Gerhard and Paul. This one's going to be different! Instead of following the route the way it's normally done, we will be doing it in reverse order. That means we will already have been where we ...
June 23, 2014
The Best of Europe Tour - a ride through the 5 best countries of Europe - Germany, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria - is just about to start. We are on the road with a quite international group of riders from Mexico, Canada, England, America, Slowenia and last ...
June 16, 2014
Day 5, Cooking Class in Villa Pitiana Last day of this beautiful Tuscany by scooter tour! Is there a better way to finish it then with a cooking class? The chef Marco showed us how to prepare very tasty bruschettas and pizzas and, after ...
June 16, 2014
DAY 4 Rest day in Plitivice Today we spent the first part of the day hiking around the several lakes of Plitvice National Park, a marvel of nature with countless waterfalls, creeks and lush vegetation. A relaxing short boat ride to start with, the ...
June 16, 2014
Last day of the Alps Touring Center. The gravitational pull of Switzerland was very strong, so the Venezolanos wanted to go back. To St. Moritz. To visit the rich and beautiful. And to go shopping. So here we go...
June 15, 2014
"The Taxi Riot Tour" former knows as "The Tour of the Pyrenees" PYT 1401 Last arrival day for the clients always have surprises...this time half of the tour members faced the wold wide taxi riot when trying to leave the airport of Barcelona. No way of ...
June 13, 2014
Rumour has spread that there are two islands in the Mediterranean which are as close to motorcyclist's heaven as can be. Nine riders have embarked on a tour to find out if this is true. But before they crossed the sea, it was back to the ...
June 10, 2014
Welcome to the second Alps & Lakes Tour 2014. We were a colorful mix of travelers this time with tour-members coming from USA, Mexico, Australia, and the Arabian Emirates. Including three German guides we pretty much had the globe encircled with this special melange of five countries. ...
June 10, 2014
Day 9: Calvi - Pisa ~ France - Italy Sadly we already had to leave Corsica again. Today's ride didn't make leaving any easier. After leaving our hotel in Calvi we headed north on small and twisty side roads again. St. Florent, where the Romans founded ...
June 3, 2014
Day 5 - our last riding day... After two long riding days today we roll out of our Alpine Experience... but even close to Seefeld there is a lot to see:
May 26, 2014
Após o dia de descanso em Dresden que o tempo para voltar nas motos hoje. Destino: Lazne Belohrad, uma cidade termal tradicional no norte da Boêmia. Com sauna, massagens e outros tratamentos chamando o grupo não conseguiu chegar lá quase o suficiente ... (After the rest ...
May 19, 2014
Hello everybody and welcome to the Alps and Lakes Harley Davidson tour 2014. This was a stunning time of year to be in the alps and the CAL 1401 was the perfect introduction to one of the world's most outstanding motorcycle plagrounds! A Paradise of warm lush ...