November 6, 2013
It is over - what an adventure! Nearly 3 weeks fighting through Patagonia - with incredible landscapes, all kind of weather like sun, heat, rain - even snowfall... It is really an amazing trip down to the end of the world!
October 5, 2013
DAY 7. THE END. ... and also this tour is coming to an end. We have been across a great variety of landscapes, from the empty deserts like Death Valley to snowcapped mountains on San Bernardino, spending a relaxing day sightseeing San Diego in ...
September 28, 2013
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not your regular motorcycle tour, and therefore this is not gonna be your regular blog: this is Edelweiss Feschtl 2013! Once a year Edelweiss organizes a double event (in North America and in Europe) to gather together friends that have ...
September 16, 2013
Now we are all at home or on the way to it. It was a pleasure to be the last two weeks in a fascinating country - on a motorcycle tour through Peru! Jetzt sind wir schon wieder zu Hause oder noch auf dem Weg dorthin. ...
July 9, 2013
6 Schweizer, 4 Österreicher, 2 Deutsche und 2 Brasilianer begeben sich auf ein 14 tägiges Abenteuer quer durch Alaska. Viel Spaß beim mitlesen eure Tourguides Stephan & Chief
May 16, 2013
We started another tour of the southwest United States from the great city of Las Vegas. Four enthusiastic tour members from Canada, Luxembourg, Switzerland and the US came prepared and full of energy to experience Route 66, several National Parks and State Parks. What could be better ...
March 11, 2013
ACR1302. Adventure Costa Rica and Nicaragua day 13: The last riding day on this adventure motorcycle tour around Costa Rica and Nicaragua has come,....but don´t be sad,...a twisty road back to the Central Valley and the 1928 old Oxcart factory at Sarchí ...
March 4, 2013
What could be better in February for a motorcyclist in Cincinnati than to go ride Baja. I know that many of you are thinking that Baja is a dangerous place and anyone would be crazy to go there. To be honest, I felt safer there than when ...
November 2, 2012
Imagine having ridden almost 5,000 kilometres through the southern parts of Chile and Argentina. Imagine having experienced any kind of road surface from freshly paved asphalt roads to tricky gravel roads and sandy tracks. Imagine scenery changing several times a day and showing you everything from wide ...
October 7, 2012
It is hard to believe, but our motorcycle tour through Southern California is over! Another great riding day took us along the famous Route 66 to Oatman. Here time has stood still, Billy, the Kid, could come around a corner anytime. After a great lunch ...